суббота, 24 апреля 2010 г.

I think that nowadays financial independence from parents is very important, but a lot of young people are happy to have a part-time job and to earn some pocket money. In my opinion you must finish your education successfully.
I think that is it really good to start receiving some experience while you are young. If the offered work is not hard and stressful for you and you like it, it is always possible to try it. Besides, the part-time job also gives you an opportunity to understand what you really want to do in your future. And I think it will help you to prepare for a real serious life.
But there are some moments of which every young worker should think. It is worth to think about your priorities: what is really important and what is less important. There is always a danger to become confused. There are a lot of stressful situations. A young worker becomes tired very fast. And the job stops bringing any joy.
In my opinion if you are strong enough to handle this burden, working while studying can be very useful and interesting.
The Lord of Flies.
As we know, Simon and Piggy are dead... That was not only a dream. They were buried.
A strong cry of the children was heard everywhere on the island. Children were like in a dream.
As the naval officer arrived, those savages felt like they have woken up. After arriving back in England a few boys were placed in a psychiatric hospital, but they were not crazy so they were sent to their parents. Boys wanted to speak about this with their parents. Parents were shocked, they didn't want to believe in it.
But when they arrived on this island with their parents, boys killed them and soon they died too.